This article is the second part of Cisco Zone Based firewall configuration. The first part provided technology overview, configuration constructs and simple network configuration example.
This part introduces more complex examples including NAT, DMZ, VPNs and operation of Self zone. Examples below are based on the configuration done previously in Part 1. You can also find good reference examples of policy-based and VTI site-to-site IPSec VPN tunnels, as well as NAT and DHCP protocol mechanics.
Note that subnet between Firewall and West router is renumbered with public IP addresses to make NAT examples more readable.
DMZ Zone Configuration
Let’s introduce DMZ zone by moving EAST-facing interface to this zone.

FIREWALL(config)#zone security DMZ FIREWALL(config-sec-zone)#exit FIREWALL(config)#int gi2.3 FIREWALL(config-subif)#zone-member security DMZ FIREWALL(config-subif)#exit
EAST router’s WebUI will be performing functions of Web server.
Previous configuration of the firewall had a single zone-pair statement that allowed Web traffic from INSIDE to OUTSIDE. To allow internal users to access DMZ, let’s add additional zone-pair as per example below.
FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect INSIDE-TO-DMZ ! Pre-existing classes from Part 1 FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect ICMP FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect VM-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-INSIDE-TO-DMZ source INSIDE destination DMZ FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect INSIDE-TO-DMZ
The configuration above re-uses class-maps created in Part 1. Test VM is now able to display login page using real IP of EAST, Now we know that Internal users can access the server without NAT translation, we can expose this server to OUTSIDE zone.
NAT Configuration
OUTSIDE zone represents Internet. Private IP addresses must be translated to externally routable addresses, such as
Basic NAT configuration starts with designating interfaces as inside and outside. Packets are being translated only when moving between inside and outside interfaces.
Example below shows this configuration.
! EAST-facing, DMZ interface FIREWALL(config)#interface gi2.3 FIREWALL(config-subif)#ip nat inside FIREWALL(config-subif)#exit ! NORTH-facing, Inside interface FIREWALL(config)#interface gi2.12 FIREWALL(config-subif)#ip nat inside FIREWALL(config-subif)#exit ! WEST-facing, Outside interface FIREWALL(config)#interface gi2.9 FIREWALL(config-subif)#ip nat outside
First, we will perform dynamic source address translation with interface’s IP overloading, a.k.a. masquerading, of VM segment When any device from this internal subnet is trying to reach Internet it will be seen to external hosts as coming from the firewall’s IP address of
FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended DYNAMIC-NAT-FOR-VM-SUBNET FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip any FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit ! The following command translates subnet in ACL above into ! FIREWALL’s external interface IP address FIREWALL(config)#ip nat inside source list DYNAMIC-NAT-FOR-VM-SUBNET interface gi2.9 overload
Then, let’s enable source static, bidirectional NAT in Cisco IOS. Real IP address of the server,, will be mapped to public address of Note that no specific route is required on WEST router to enable it to send traffic to IP address of to FIREWALL. This configuration works, as the FIREWALL returns its MAC address for virtual IP of using proxy ARP.
FIREWALL(config)# ip nat inside source static
Source static NAT in example above is applied bi-directionally and as result destination NAT is being performed when traffic is initiated from the external interface.
Outside-to-DMZ Configuration
Let’s start with traffic classification.
Which IP addresses should be used in ZBF’s ACLs when source is outside NAT interface and destination is inside NAT interface? Post-NAT or real IP addresses must be used. In the example below, is being used instead of However, access-list applied via access-group to the interface, would use pre-NAT IP address.
This behavior is the result of order of operations, such as application of NAT and inter-security zone policy lookup. Cisco IOS XE configuration reference states that zone-based firewall is implemented as an zone’s egress feature, so you must match the traffic as it egresses the zone.
FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended DMZ-SERVER-FROM-OUTSIDE ! Post-NAT addresses are used in the ACL below FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit tcp any host eq 80 FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit tcp any host eq 443 FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-any DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol http FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol https FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name DMZ-SERVER-FROM-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match class-map DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ source OUTSIDE destination DMZ FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ
Testing from VM2 representing Internet client is successful, as shown in the screenshot below.

The following example shows zone-pair statistics.
FIREWALL#show policy-map type inspect zone-pair ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ Zone-pair: ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ Service-policy inspect : OUTSIDE-TO-DMZ Class-map: DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC (match-all) Match: access-group name DMZ-SERVER-FROM-OUTSIDE Match: class-map match-any DMZ-SERVER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS Match: protocol http Match: protocol https Inspect Packet inspection statistics [process switch:fast switch] tcp packets: [0:948] http packets: [0:835] Session creations since subsystem startup or last reset 62 Current session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [0:0:0] Maxever session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [4:2:0] Last session created 00:19:53 Last statistic reset never Last session creation rate 0 Last half-open session total 0 Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop (default action) 5 packets, 342 bytes
Policy-based IPSec VPN Configuration
For this example, we will adjust topology, as shown in the diagram below. The tunnel will be established between SOUTH router and the FIREWALL.

IPSec VPN configuration is shown in the example below. See this article describing IPSec terminology with Palo Alto based examples.
! Pre-shared key for authentication with SOUTH router FIREWALL(config)#crypto isakmp key SECRETKEY address ! IKEv1 Phase 1 FIREWALL(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#hash sha512 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#group 5 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#exit ! ACL specifying interesting traffic FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended VPN-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip ! IPSec traffic should be excluded from NAT statement that we created ! earlier for Internet browsing ! By default, ACLs will use sequence 10 for the first entry ! Sequence 5 allows to insert exempt entry before wider permit ACL FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended DYNAMIC-NAT-FOR-VM-SUBNET FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#5 deny ip ! This route is used only to determine outbound interface ! SOUTH router doesn’t require this command, as it has default route ! towards FIREWALL FIREWALL(config)#ip route ! Phase 2 Parameters FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#crypto ipsec transform-set AES256-SHA512 esp-aes 256 esp-sha512-hmac FIREWALL(config)#crypto map IPSEC 10 ipsec-isakmp FIREWALL(config-crypto-map)#set peer FIREWALL(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set AES256-SHA512 FIREWALL(config-crypto-map)#match address VPN-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-crypto-map)#exit FIREWALL(config)#interface gi2.9 FIREWALL(config-subif)#crypto map IPSEC ! Pre-shared key for authentication with FIREWALL SOUTH(config)#crypto isakmp key SECRETKEY address ! IKEv1 Phase 1 SOUTH(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share SOUTH(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#hash sha512 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#group 5 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#exit ! ACL specifying interesting traffic SOUTH(config)#ip access-list extended VPN-TRAFFIC SOUTH(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip ! Phase 2 Parameters SOUTH(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set AES256-SHA512 esp-aes 256 esp-sha512-hmac SOUTH(cfg-crypto-trans)#exit SOUTH(config)#crypto map IPSEC 10 ipsec-isakmp SOUTH(config-crypto-map)#set peer SOUTH(config-crypto-map)#set transform-set AES256-SHA512 SOUTH(config-crypto-map)#match address VPN-TRAFFIC SOUTH(config-crypto-map)#exit SOUTH(config)#interface gi2.91 SOUTH(config-subif)#crypto map IPSEC
The following examples show how to validate that the tunnel is successfully established:
SOUTH#show crypto isakmp sa IPv4 Crypto ISAKMP SA dst src state conn-id status QM_IDLE 1003 ACTIVE SOUTH#show crypto ipsec sa interface: GigabitEthernet2.91 Crypto map tag: IPSEC, local addr protected vrf: (none) local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer port 500 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 28, #pkts encrypt: 28, #pkts digest: 28 #pkts decaps: 28, #pkts decrypt: 28, #pkts verify: 28 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: plaintext mtu 1422, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb GigabitEthernet2.91 current outbound spi: 0xC05FF866(3227514982) PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none
ZBF and Policy-based VPNs
So far, basic policy-based IPSec tunnel was configured.
ZBF configuration of the firewall has effect on transit traffic. Ping from VM1 to VM2 will work as we allowed ICMP from INSIDE to OUTSIDE earlier. However, ping initiated on VM2 to VM1 won’t work, because Firewall considers tunneled traffic as coming from OUTSIDE zone to INSIDE zone, which is not allowed.
Ideally we want tunneled traffic to be classified into a different zone and it is possible to do with GRE or VTI-based tunnels, as will be demonstrated later. However, with policy-based configuration, we will have to use underlying interface’s zone membership. IP addresses in class-maps will be used to differentiate between Internet and remote VPN network.
In the next example we will allow ICMP, HTTP and HTTPS from the remote site. We will use similar construct with parent class map uses combination of ACL and child class map, which in turns matches any of the allowed protocols. Review Part 1 for the more detailed explanation.
FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended REMOTE-SITE-FROM-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip any FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-any REMOTE-SITE-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol icmp FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol http FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol https FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all REMOTE-SITE-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name REMOTE-SITE-FROM-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match class-map REMOTE-SITE-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect REMOTE-SITE-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE source OUTSIDE destination INSIDE FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-INSIDE
Static VTI-based IPSec VPN Configuration
Virtual Tunnel Interface is used to setup route-based VPN on Cisco router. The following set of commands are required to setup the tunnel. Notice that there are no crypto maps and no ACLs defining interesting traffic. Instead IPSec profile with layer-3 Tunnel interface are created. If you are recreating examples in your lab, remove all IPSec-related commands from Policy-based IPSec VPN Configuration section.

! IKEv1 Phase 1 FIREWALL(config)#crypto isakmp key SECRETKEY address FIREWALL(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#hash sha512 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#group 5 FIREWALL(config-isakmp)#exit ! Phase 2 Parameters FIREWALL(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set AES256-SHA512 esp-aes 256 esp-sha512-hmac FIREWALL(config)#crypto ipsec profile IPSEC-PROFILE FIREWALL(ipsec-profile)#set transform-set AES256-SHA512 FIREWALL(ipsec-profile)#exit ! VTI Configuration FIREWALL(config)#interface Tunnel0 FIREWALL(config-if)#ip address FIREWALL(config-if)#tunnel source FIREWALL(config-if)#tunnel destination FIREWALL(config-if)#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 FIREWALL(config-if)#tunnel protection ipsec profile IPSEC-PROFILE FIREWALL(config-if)#exit ! Line below shows why this setup is called route-based VPN ! Instead of using ACLs, we create a route over the tunnel interface FIREWALL(config)#ip route ! IKEv1 Phase 1 SOUTH(config)#crypto isakmp key SECRETKEY address SOUTH(config)#crypto isakmp policy 10 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share SOUTH(config-isakmp)#encryption aes 256 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#hash sha512 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#group 5 SOUTH(config-isakmp)#exit ! Phase 2 Parameters SOUTH(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set AES256-SHA512 esp-aes 256 esp-sha512-hmac SOUTH(cfg-crypto-trans)#exit SOUTH(config)#crypto ipsec profile IPSEC-PROFILE SOUTH(ipsec-profile)#set transform-set AES256-SHA512 SOUTH(ipsec-profile)#exit ! VTI Configuration SOUTH(ipsec)#interface Tunnel0 SOUTH(config-if)#ip address SOUTH(config-if)#tunnel source SOUTH(config-if)#tunnel destination SOUTH(config-if)#tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 SOUTH(config-if)#tunnel protection ipsec profile IPSEC-PROFILE SOUTH(config-if)#exit ! Route for VPN traffic SOUTH(config)#ip route
To validate that the VPN is working, let’s try to ping IP address of peer’s tunnel interface and also launch show ipsec sa command:
FIREWALL#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms FIREWALL#show crypto ipsec sa interface: Tunnel0 Crypto map tag: Tunnel0-head-0, local addr protected vrf: (none) local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer port 500 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 5, #pkts encrypt: 5, #pkts digest: 5 #pkts decaps: 23, #pkts decrypt: 23, #pkts verify: 23 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0
Note that local and remote identities or Proxy IDs are, as opposed to policy-based tunnels where subnets were pre-defined. We also no longer require NAT exemption, as we didn’t use “ip nat outside” on Tunnel interface. Simplicity of the configuration is one of the advantages of using route-based VPNs.
There is still no connectivity between our VMs. You probably already know what the issue is.
ZBF and Static VTI-based VPNs
Tunnel interface can be assigned to a zone. In comparison to policy-based tunnel it doesn’t inherit membership of the underlying physical interface.
The next example demonstrates how to create a new zone named PARTNER with Tunnel0 interface added as member. Then familiar zone-pair configuration is applied.
FIREWALL(config)#zone security PARTNER FIREWALL(config-sec-zone)#interface Tunnel0 FIREWALL(config-if)#zone-member security PARTNER FIREWALL(config-if)#exit ! These 2 ACLs are optional, as in our example there is a single partner ! As new VPNs are created an administrator can either use new zones without ACLs ! Or keep using the same partner zone, but control traffic with ACLs FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended TRAFFIC-FROM-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended TRAFFIC-TO-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit ! Classification is similar to the previous examples ! with nested class-maps FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-any PARTNER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol icmp FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol http FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol https FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all REMOTE-SITE-IN-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name TRAFFIC-FROM-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match class-map PARTNER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all REMOTE-SITE-OUT-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name TRAFFIC-TO-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match class-map PARTNER-ALLOWED-PROTOCOLS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect PARTNER-TO-INSIDE FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect REMOTE-SITE-IN-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect INSIDE-TO-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect REMOTE-SITE-OUT-ALLOWED-TRAFFIC FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-INSIDE-TO-PARTNER source INSIDE destination PARTNER FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect INSIDE-TO-PARTNER FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#exit FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-PARTNER-TO-INSIDE source PARTNER destination INSIDE FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect PARTNER-TO-INSIDE
After application of the commands above ping tests are successful.
Self Zone
Self is pre-defined zone for non-transit traffic that is being generated by the router or inbound traffic targeting one of IP addresses of the router. Let’s say we want restrict inbound and inbound connectivity with Internet to ICMP.
The following example demonstrates required configuration:
FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all ICMP FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol icmp FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-SELF FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect ICMP FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect SELF-TO-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect ICMP FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#exit ! self is in lower-case FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-SELF source OUTSIDE destination self FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-SELF FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#exit FIREWALL(config)#zone-pair security ZONE-PAIR-SELF-TO-OUTSIDE source self destination OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-sec-zone-pair)#service-policy type inspect SELF-TO-OUTSIDE
Let’s validate if we can ping FIREWALL to and from WEST router.
! Inbound ping test WEST#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms ! Validation on the FIREWALL FIREWALL#show policy-map type inspect zone-pair ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-SELF sessions Zone-pair: ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-SELF Service-policy inspect : OUTSIDE-TO-SELF Class-map: ICMP (match-all) Match: protocol icmp Inspect Established Sessions ! Session is being tracked by ZBF Session ID 0x00000009 (>( icmp SIS_OPEN Created 00::00::02, Last heard 00::00::02 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [360:360] ! Packet drop in the default class Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop (default action) 105 packets, 22838 bytes ! Outbound ping test FIREWALL#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms ! Validation FIREWALL#show policy-map type inspect zone-pair ZONE-PAIR-SELF-TO-OUTSIDE sessions Zone-pair: ZONE-PAIR-SELF-TO-OUTSIDE Service-policy inspect : SELF-TO-OUTSIDE Class-map: ICMP (match-all) Match: protocol icmp Inspect Established Sessions Session ID 0x0000000B (>( icmp SIS_OPEN Created 00::00::01, Last heard 00::00::01 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [360:360] Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop (default action) 0 packets, 0 bytes
As demonstrated in the example above, ping tests are successful and ICMP sessions are being tracked by ZBF. Note, however, that there are dropped packets in OUTSIDE-TO-SELF direction.
Self Zone and VPN
One of the traffic types that is being blocked after implementing the previous example is VPN between FIREWALL and SOUTH router. Pings are now timing out between test VMs.
The encrypted tunnel traffic matches OUTSIDE to SELF zone pair which is currently allows only ICMP. After decryption, it is reclassified as coming from PARTNER zone.
To address the issue with VPN tunnel we will use the following configuration.
FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all ISAKMP FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match protocol isakmp FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-SELF FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect ISAKMP FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit FIREWALL(config-pmap)#policy-map type inspect SELF-TO-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect ISAKMP FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#inspect FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#end FIREWALL#show policy-map type inspect zone-pair ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-SELF sessions Zone-pair: ZONE-PAIR-OUTSIDE-TO-SELF Service-policy inspect : OUTSIDE-TO-SELF Class-map: ICMP (match-all) Match: protocol icmp Inspect Class-map: ISAKMP (match-all) Match: protocol isakmp Inspect Established Sessions ! ISAKMP session Session ID 0x0000000F (>( isakmp SIS_OPEN Created 00::00::03, Last heard 00::00::02 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [576:220] Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop (default action) 163 packets, 35250 bytes
Applied ISAKMP inspection fixes pings between VMs over VPN. Note that we haven’t specifically allowed or inspected ESP (protocol 50). Depending on software type and version, you might be able to use inspect or not. Example above is based on IOS XE 16.05.01b. One of alternative options is to use ACL in class-map with the following Cisco IPSec protocols allowed:
- ISAKMP – UDP/500
- ESP – IP Protocol 50
The next section shows how to use ACLs when protocol inspection is not available.
Self Zone and DHCP
One common scenario is when the provider uses DHCP to allocate IP address to its customers. To demonstrate use of ACLs without protocol matching along with pass command, let’s check the following example. Current IOS-XE version supports inspection of DHCP, matched by keywords bootpc and bootps. It is also possible to use wide protocol inspection, such as UDP and TCP.
This example, however, uses ACL-based classification with pass action for demonstration purposes only.
What is the difference between inspect and pass action keywords in zone based policy maps? Pass allows traffic, however, it doesn’t create a state record and return traffic must be explicitly permitted.

DHCP exchange consists of several messages between client and server, known by abbreviation DORA, or Discover > Offer > Request > Acknowledge. The communication is UDP-based with client using source port 68 and server uses source port 67. As client initially doesn’t have it’s own IP address and doesn’t know IP address of the server, communication originally starts with the source IP of for the client and broadcast as destination. Once IP of the server is known, unicast communication starts.
To simplify the example, only port numbers will be used. Previously, we’ve enabled ICMP and VPN between OUTSIDE and SELF zones.
Let’s start with setting up WEST as DHCP server and enabling FIREWALL’s Internet-facing interface to use dynamic IP address.
WEST(config)#ip dhcp pool 9.9.9.x WEST(dhcp-config)#network /24
FIREWALL(config)#int gi2.9 FIREWALL(config-subif)#ip address dhcp
Let’s enable DHCP packet debugging on WEST router.
WEST(config)#access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 67 WEST(config)#access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 68 WEST(config)#do debug ip packet 100 detail
At this stage no debug output is generated. FIREWALL’s configuration blocks outbound DHCP discovery packets that router is trying to send. Let’s address this first.
FIREWALL(config-pmap)#ip access-list extended DHCP-REQUESTS ! DHCP server is listening on port 67 ! Which is matched with access list entry below FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit udp any any eq 67 FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all DHCP-REQUESTS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name DHCP-REQUESTS FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect SELF-TO-OUTSIDE FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect DHCP-REQUESTS ! Note that pass allows traffic matched by class map above ! However, return traffic will need to be allowed explicitly FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#pass FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#exit
Debug shows that WEST router now receives packets from FIREWALL and sends reply back.
WEST#show debug IP packet debugging is on (detailed) for access list 100 WEST# IP: s= (GigabitEthernet2.9), d=, len 335, rcvd 2 UDP src=68, dst=67 IP: s= (local), d= (GigabitEthernet2.9), len 331, sending broad/multicast UDP src=67, dst=68
FIREWALL, however, still hasn’t received an IP address.
FIREWALL#show interface gi2.9 GigabitEthernet2.9 is up, line protocol is up Internet address will be negotiated using DHCP
Let’s now allow inbound return DHCP traffic.
FIREWALL(config)#ip access-list extended DHCP-REPLIES FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#permit udp any any eq 68 FIREWALL(config-ext-nacl)#exit FIREWALL(config)#class-map type inspect match-all DHCP-REPLIES FIREWALL(config-cmap)#match access-group name DHCP-REPLIES FIREWALL(config-cmap)#exit FIREWALL(config)#policy-map type inspect OUTSIDE-TO-SELF FIREWALL(config-pmap)#class type inspect DHCP-REPLIES FIREWALL(config-pmap-c)#pass
On the next DHCP Discovery interval IP address is being successfully allocated.
FIREWALL#show interface gi2.9 %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface GigabitEthernet2.9 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname FIREWALL GigabitEthernet2.9 is up, line protocol is up Internet address is